He seems to get along very well with the media, mostly because he gives them something every day.
To be fair, the first two are no brainers and the last one was actually backwards. The CK -> UCLA thing happened first, then people said "this is...
The date I posted was important. In college football you need your guy locked up before recruiting season. There's not going to be a major...
Really? He was coaching last year. He wasn't fired until January.
Hoping it holds but the web site is typically woefully behind the crawl
Ok cool. Enjoy.
Sorry, those threads no longer exist and honestly if you want to live in self-imposed ignorance I say have at it.
I don't care. You're wrong. Beloved or not, there was a lot of trepidation about bringing back a guy who might bail again and would further...
Well I was here (old account). You admittedly weren't. It wasn't 100% Meyer but it was far more Meyer than Spurrier.
Not at all, people were just upset Spurrier was seemingly disrespected
The long time part is huge for me. Lots of guys have pulled off one great year, not many do four straight. And add I post USF takes the lead
You've moved the goal posts a bit
And in the end nobody knew anything
That anecdote doesn't preclude people wanting Meyer
Yep, everyone wanted Meyer at the time.
I literally saw someone posit it like "maybe ..." and the next day it was just a fact. It was amazing.
One guy pulls something out of their butt, it gets spread as gospel. I watched it at least twice in real time.
The last time there was anything remotely reliable was the late 90s. Schools got tired of stuff leaking, changed their procedures and we're all...
This will be three straight hires where the "insiders" have been operating in the dark. The days of people having reliable insider info is a...