So what do the panic stricken do with all that toilet paper?
Use banana peels :cool:
Need strong consequences for voter fraud and thus send a strong message. Or acts intended to support voter fraud.
Trump and Vance are dumb and dumber running for president. Who gives a damn about Elon Musks self-serving gas lighting.
Not sure weird captures the current republican dysfunction anymore
Anybody who watched the debate does not need Fox to tell them Trump chickened out. Trump was pathetic.
A white lawyer must have finally put him away.
Hell, nails alone is 40K. No wonder team Trump thinks inflation is so bad. :rolleyes:
Voter fraud republicans gonna voter fraud. Nothing new here.
Landslide win for Harris
Alligator alley. One of my favorite places as a kid
Eating broken glass. His doctor told him it cures covid
So you are saying he has left couches for car seats?
I'm shocked ... said nobody.
that incident is really weird. A sheriff shooting the judge - in the judge's chamber no less.
Ah, more Commie-Donnie "concepts". Big-gov Ron to follow shortly.
Every time I think Trumpers can’t get dumber, they prove me wrong
Anyone that owns stock is a shitload better
Ah, Dr. Zaius. Another orange god, but an intelligent one.