While he is a convict, rapist, treasonous heathen that is a traitorous Putin ally, I don’t think the shooting was staged for even a second....
She needs to chide mister chicken sh$t every day until the election
He is looking for a VP that would support any of his actions, no matter how illegal or unethical they may be.
they should be up for renomination once every 4-6 years. No different than the POTUS or Senate.
Make it too broad and it is guaranteed to fail. Will probably fail anyways.
Well, money and/or flattery.
Trump's foreign policy is to support whoever gives him the highest bribe.
I watched an episode or two on Jacques Cing-Mars. I can't remember where (Netflix or Prime), or what the name of the series was.
If you think about it, he has said only a fraction of weird and offending comments that trump has. So why would Republicans run him off?
Posters can conjecture all they want. If he meant it, just pathetic. If he meant something else, then he is either senile or so inarticulate that...
I see a Supreme Court nomination down the road, if the opportunity arises in her lifetime that is.
And just when you think MAGA stupid can't get any dumber. :eek:
I was just about to post this about this thread topic.
The male MTG
Every MAGA accusation is a confession. So start there.
I know of at least a couple of hundred or so, that showed their thoughts on Jan 6.
"about to"? Are you kidding? Republicans have been lying about diaper boy since 2016. Not to mention blatantly covering up for the convict.
MAGA definition of "uniting" the country. :rolleyes:
totally agree.