Wow, I have the control to keep people out of libraries and to keep them offline. Who knew? Not to belabor the point, there is no BAN. Get your...
Not to mention the use of binary pronouns. Ban that book!!! ;)
There's the point you refuse to appreciate - no one is preventing or banning "other parents and children having choice." They can access anything...
"Libraries"? All "libraries"? There are a number of different types of libraries. Public libraries open to anyone (no books "banned"). Online...
Ok. So if the local (rather than state or federal) school board "banned" (to use your word, inapposite as it is) the porn/sex/gender...
How is that lie "savage"? identifying books/materials that are not appropriate for children as part of school program is not a ban. Anyone can...
Let's see if I can shut this thread down in one reply - Lexington, VA is a small town with population of @ 12,000. It is home to two colleges...
That's what the school has stated also.
Fortunately, the boy plays baseball and when things started to unfold, he and a few other players high-tailed it to the baseball stadium. Pretty...
Our son is there. Getting updates from him.
I'm a conservative/libertarian from the South and I prefer my peanuts boiled and grits - not tofu. That said, I've traveled to Seattle and San...
An uncle took me to concert with Haggard, Twitty, and G. Jones back in mid to late '80's. Maybe the best concert I've ever been to. Three greats...
Reading what I wrote - yeah, that was jackassery at its finest. I gave you the "winner" emoji for calling me on that.
Oh, so I have comprehension problems? I perfectly understood your intent. I was simply pointing out how poorly you presented your position. If...
The song is clearly about DC politicians/agencies. DC is, in fact, North of Richmond. DC is not, in fact, North of the Mason-Dixon Line. But,...
I can see both sides. I agree Space Command being in Huntsville/Canaveral/Houston makes sense given the existing talent pool and infrastructure...
i don't remember you being there when I was 11 years old and heard what my mother said. And, no, she didn't actually give any bullets or guns....
Early '80s. A group came to our house asking for donations to aid Cuban refugees thrown out of Cuba by Castro. My Mom, "I'll give you bullets....
I think that is my point. Of all the programs on Fox, I would think Dems would flock to Fox and Friends in the morning. They keep it pretty...
Haven't really studied up on RFK Jr. at this time - and won't until there is any indication he has a decent chance at getting the nomination....