Conspiracies like Russian collusion/dossier and COVID not originating in Wuhan lab? (runs and hides). ; )
If a person believes in and supports a majority of the policies and results of a Trump Administration and will vote for Trump again, but believes...
Sorry, I guess I missed the sarcasm of your first reply - it happens to everyone. However, it confuses the rational of your second reply. Was...
Your initial reply to my post was simply a paraphrased repetition of the very thing I addressed. I presumed, mistakenly it seems, that "wow....
Empathy, sympathy, "feelings," etc. are important in personal relationships and to assist in understanding. However, "feelings" are very poor...
Wow. Just - wow.
"Anyone who disagrees with me is either clinically delusional or motivated by evil forces like racism and sexism. They are also uneducated and...
Pretty much spot on. It'll make for a few months of semi-interesting coverage, but the "R" behind Garvey's name will be his downfall in CA for a...
Thanks for agreeing with me. To break it into the parts - "Because [the concurring justices] would decide only [Part A from my example -...
Uhmm, yes there is a 9-0 opinion. Scoring SCOTUS rulings may be "confusing" for those who want to avoid reality or mislead, but it's not...
First, Trump was not found "guilty of insurrection." Indeed, of all the charges (civil and criminal) brought against Trump, insurrection is not...
Interesting take. I read through the opinion prior to reading the reporting at CNN and Fox and then here. My review of the opinion was that it...
You raise good points - Russia's unprovoked aggression, concern that USSR is re-forming, spread of Russian economic control, etc. - that deserve...
This type of rhetoric is as baffling as it is inane. German/Hitler attacks on Britain (and nearly all other allies in Europe) in 1941 were...
"Show me the man, and I'll find you the crime." - Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's chief of secret police, would be proud of these 91 indictments.
I iterate the posts above concerning how the left conflates "cutting welfare" with slowing growth of a program or discontinuing a temporary,...
The number of votes is meaningless. The only essentials are: (1) all citizens are given an equal opportunity to vote; and (2) the votes are valid...
No more moving goalposts or nuances. 1. There are people who write sexually explicit books/guides catering to children using simple language...
As you know, practically every kid has access to all kinds of dangerous narcotics that will make all of us blush. Parents and lawmakers who tell...
This is fun. Going by the MOST convenient standard, I concede you have a point that children have easy access to the limited selection of books...