You sure? Just skimmed through the introductory presser and don’t see that anywhere. Thought that was a quip from a halftime interview while...
Never heard of him.
I used to have 12" of snow [MEDIA]
Just rainy and cold in alachua. No snow yet and not freezing yet.
Have you seen a schedule anywhere yet? Do you know what time and if they'll have a scrimmage on friday? TIA
Whilst keeping the ability to purge their rosters. o_O
Not really any gimmes in this league.
It’s not necessarily what I want nor will I play any role in implementing it, but the schools need to be able to negotiate with the athletes as a...
Plenty of adults encourage this behavior too.
It’s a free for all, but not really all out in the open. Still have no idea how much money is moving around, or what the contracts are for.
They could potentially go undefeated during the regular season and still miss out on Omaha, so it’s nearly impossible to plan for this far in...
We barter. My bro gets my regular espn login, I get his espn+ login.
Weird show, every episode is different. One episode, the people’s memories are all recorded and can be reviewed at any time. If you commit or...
The beer is inside now, but bring your credit card. You may want to see about getting your limit raised too.
Just the bowl game.
The money is finite. You think the schools generate 200 million so they can just afford to give more money to anyone who asks for it? You want...
Making them employees is the first step in reaching some sort of bargaining agreement. Until then, it’s just going to be what it is now, the wild...
Revenue and profit are not the same. Tx may have generated that much revenue, but not even close to that much profit. Uf generated similar...
They still want to have their cake and eat it to. They’ve lost all their power. If you think they don’t care about losing all control of...