The NCAA has no teeth, not saying i want to bend or break any of their rules, but honestly, they could have scorched a few programs but lack...
Who is this Scott Stricklin person? Our AD is Scrot Scatman
Welp, i am ready for another "productive" day at work.
Smoke screen man! Jet Fuel prices be damned, we gotta throw all that smoke so we can snag
[IMG] Spartans, what is your profession!?
This is Spartaaaa....?
The flight tracking stuff here is reminding me of the SHia LeBouf vs 4Chan Capture the flag game. I love it.
Not likely, the runways at Teterboro tun N - S and Sw - NE. That plane is Low and Slow right now, would started its decent later on if it was...
Maybe Kelly will be a surprise Mr. Twobits, and thats how they announce him. Make it Happen Scrot Slobberknocker
Means it was was carrying a Surgical Team and an Organ (lung, Kidney, ect)
plz Scrat SlamBanger, make this happen
I Fought the Nightman, Lived as Dayman, now I'm here to ask for your hand....
looooooong time lurker... Is Tilly Incareratedbob? :)