No reason we can't keep it going forever.
For the love of all that's holy, just keep typing...
Some people on this thread were unforgivably douchey. Not naming names but at least one is super obvious.
Get with the times, Dad... Hotter than an Uber driver's crotch
LOL Tilly. Going back a bit with that reference! (new thread title)
I dont give 2 sh!ts what Twitter thinks/says.
This really is the thread winner.
He didn't say it was a Twitter source.
From a body language perspective, the main thing I noticed was him rocking back and forth. He also started with a joke to try and defuse any...
There is one really big problem with your logic in C. When you fire someone, that is a unilateral move. When you hire someone, that requires...
Are balloons going to fall when this thread reaches 1M views?
We need some new rating options around here, because what we have isn't quite cutting it for some of these pics/GIFs. Can we get Jim Carrey's face...
Haters gonna hate?
I wouldn't say it sucks so much as its the reality. We know it's not done until it's done. Low just reminded us.
I would say not to sweat it at all.
By they, you mean her ummm appendages?
Quality over quantity. Always.
Is supplies your code word for strong liquor?
She looks like she'd be a good shuck. Make sure to press play. :cool: