With Pup and four stating defensive backs out some people will really have to step up. I try to be optimistic but it seems a stretch. OOPS!
These guys just babble on with their negative drivel ignoring how much the defence had improved before the backfield was wiped out,ignore that the...
Not going to argue with you on the first part of your post but you really can't use what Spurrier did to reference whats possible today. SOS...
Not including FIU, WEST ILL.,and Charlotte the average strength of schedule (CBS) of the teams IND. has defeated is 69.2. What do you think their...
I'm not going to judge our QB room based on stars or a forced appearance against one of the best teams in the nation. Coach Napier has proven to...
We have two of the best QB'S in the SEC on our roster, lose them both to freak injuries and some posters use it to bash our coaching staff. Amazing.
I don't give any credibility to articles based on anonymous booster or unnamed player etc. Anybody can write anything they want with an unknown...
I'm saying that coaching is not as important as nil. The coach won't matter unless your program is willing to outbid Texas-Oklahoma oil monery...
The AD at FLA does not hire or fire head coaches. It's done by commitee as are all expenditures over a certain amount. He's a manager. An...
Good point- edited my post
Right or wrong this is a prediction based on an analysis of the GATORS team versus the teams they play. The Vegas line is based on splitting the...
Try this. Wear a baggy shirt. Procure a shotgun ammo belt. Insert miniatures. They will deliver the cola.
Liked your post but I don't see this as year three. Wasn't coach Napier hired two weeks before early signing day "year one". His first real...
none- and never learned to type-whats spell check?
True - But the origonial and difinitely the real deal
Bobbie Joe and the Outlaw
Give the kid a break. He hasn't done anything anywhere near the crap I(and probably half the posters on this board) pulled when I was that age....