Sadly true. He’s been a gamer (last year) but he’s not been good. Of course we can’t run save one play and the right side of our line is… suboptimal.
Ditto. They have better O and D lines and a veteran QB and until a BN team showed us anything had changed wouldn’t have expected a win, but from...
Hey let’s at least acknowledge special teams have been our best squad today.
I had just started standing up. Like, ‘show me something’ or maybe inching towards leaving the room.
Everything between the hashes!
Pup’s looking good!
I don't ever play the "Steve Spurrier would do X here" game. But...throw the damn ball in the end zone!!
Uh-oh! QB got cocky w/ that throw. And we got a TO!
The ol' throw the ball behind the line on 3rd call. That said, wow, perfect 10 punt/coverage.
3 straight it. Secondary is their weakness.
I had just said to myself, 'wow, no penalties this dri...oh boy'
Baffling 3rd down playcall, penalty at utterly wrong time, defense facing a baller QB who looks like his bp is only 72...
There's a reason he was top portal QB. Dude is a veteran and calm as can be.
Pretty sure we'll be hiring after this season...
That first solo is one of my absolute favs.
Yup. I recall GNFP discussing him as a candidate, but don’t remember specifics. I’m sure the gist was no HC experience.
Who knows how Lanning will do over long haul, but...we could’ve at least interviewed him during our last hire.
Everything about that game sucked. Jags lost, Trevor injured, and lost fantasy match-up.
Hate being a 2nd class program right now but love seeing GA getting bullied.