I deleted!!!
Love that playcall from our end zone. I still say we send Billy to the locker room at the 2 min mark of the first half. Every game.
91 yds to > 50 yds to go 100% on punting Again, BEFORE HALF was the time to try to get pts.
Zero flow right now. Zero.
Not getting pressure.
And a kicker with a big leg.
Pure awesomeness.
We cannot play zone or they will tear us up.
Ok d, gut check time.
But a ‘good’ miss.
‘Bout what I expected that drive. Now let’s see how we respond. Hope our RBs can hit some big chunks.
Man…Thornton almost stripped it on 4th.
Let’s see if we can contain now. Feel like Kiff will be aggressive.
Hate seeing their corner hurt, but love the drive and the td.
Kid is a freak. No idea how he can do those things.
We’re running tempo? Who are we?!?!