You mean the “desperately needed aid” that Hamas takes for itself?? Sheesh.
Agreed. For the old timers among us, Mac's Waffle House in Gainesville will never be equaled.
Good luck to him? At UGA? Sorry, but I hope every player on their roster is a monumental flop.
It is as old as time itself - whores always go home with the the highest paying John. CFB has become what I have feared.
"DJ is NFL ready". I hope that you were being sarcastic, otherwise, your football knowledge is Belgian like. Good grief.
Well, you said it. Glad that that has been cleared up.
I simply cannot understand your mindset. If others are doing it, that makes it OK? Pure bullshit.
So typical exoneration of your preferred “just because everybody else is doing it” Complete idiocy.
So you approve of obvious cheating as long as it ends in a championship. Got it. Sheesh.
Ummmmm. This was before NIL. 180K in 2009 was a ton of money for an "amateur" - especially since it was a MAJOR NCAA violation. I know that you...
Perhaps, but we won because the right calls were made.
Perhaps, but after Blinn the reality of what Cam and his father were after shined through. I have a friend that was on the Miss St staff and he...
Two observations that stood out to me watching the game in person: 1) I did not see a plethora of missed tackles - YAY 2) The entire game felt...
Comparing the Swamp to Doak is likened to comparing the Sistene Chapel to a hunting camp shack. Sheesh.
If the level of frustration approaches last year, my "hopium" may require a dropping of the H.
This is reminiscent of the Bill Petersen malaprop - “All right guys, line up alphabetically by height.” Kudos to you, sir.
Yep. My old DC said that tackling was "mostly about want to". He was right. The best tacklers were always the ones that had the most desire to put...
Love that Snell tore him a new one.
I truely do try to muster a scintilla of sympathy, however, I simply can't.