Oh no! Now you've done it. You used former UT coach Butch line "brick by brick".
What are they going to do when they start playing Big 10 (100) teams next year? Too far to play? LOL
I was about to ask too. I guess the person that gave him à c'mon didn’t know the story.
Lawyers and now politicians getting involved too. Not à good combo for college football. That's why I'm not as involved emotionally and...
The loudness of the Swamp started disappearing when smart phones came out. I saw lots of people looking/talking/testing on their phones instead of...
He looks quick and fast. How tall is he? He looks much taller than his dad.
I don't care. She's hot.
I was really glad Doering took away the (2) Jacksons, Ike and Reidel's shots, or they wouldn’t have been able to get good at being a WR at UF.
I'm not saying I agree with foot, but there were gator fans that were complaining about the 2006 team especially after the Auburn game.
I wonder what the professors for UVA would say when the university started paying football players at their school?
What was it that Riddick said? "NOT FOR ME!"
Nope. I'm just saying Oliver was a walk-on. Nobody knew he will be a great player for UF including coaches. Just like we don't know how Spierto...
Oliver would smack UGA's 5* WRs if he is playing today.
Is this à bait? :rolleyes:
This ^
Me too. These guys will be key cogs to this team. If the only reason to go somewhere else is to get more money, then I'm done. I'll just go back...
You are probably right about UCF stuff. I don't like Caw's negativity towards CBN. There's another guy here at GC who posts there too regularly....
That guy hates Disney gators. I think he's a troll using à gator handle.
Rut roh. How many times hes been in the final 4?