Didn't pass his "bored" exam?
I like our chances. Investing $10 was well worth it.
What is this sh-t?
We can always say if. If they have beaten Utenn in 01. Otherwise, I disagree.
Agree. It's GC. You're innocent until proven guilty. No?
Ke Let's not.
Mehh. UT. All toothbrush, but only one tooth. :p
People think bowlcut is smart. That's just his last name. He's a douche though. That I agree.
Agree. If I'm CBN and I know I'm not guilty, I'll fight it to the end. Even moreso if Georgia is forking the money to help Rash.
I know. _rench?
I know what you mean. I remember him having a potty mouth.;)
THE BUG MESS (FKA Big 10 + 6) The SEC & Squatters (fka The Southeastern Conference)
I'm no lawyer, so I don't know. Can CBN and the collectives counter sue if Rash and bowlcut used false documents?
Sarasota is dead by 11:00PM. Well, I'm old and so are my 2 friends that live there. We don't know of any place to hang out past midnight. There...
Can't read the tweet. What did they do with my Jax Twins?
Do you mean when somebody says "shut up!" or "shutuuup!"?
Distant (below your post) explained it better to why I said "no" to your question that you posted.
I understand that. But you were comparing the two situations as if it were the same scénario. It's why I disagreed with your take. But you're...
If you are This is off topic, but I will take a stab at your question. If you are referring to Hernandez then my answer is no. I didn't know he...