The only bullshit is people like you who want to have someone convicted and hung before their right to a trial. Before you've even seen the...
No one should also be convicted, tried and executed before a trial (which is exactly what you and many on here want). I'm not sure why that is so...
People like you are why we need to justice system we have. People like you would have Trump tried, convicted and sentenced/executed before dinner....
Even if Trump was convicted, removed from the ballot or otherwise dropped out, those voters will stay home before they vote for Haley. Haley isn't...
But lets be honest, if some of our big cities looked more like what you see in this video. If some of our big cities actually looked modern, clean...
That's still billions that could be spent here domestically instead of being the world's policeman. How many hundreds of billions have we spent in...
The biggest thing I see here in the U.S. nowadays, and this honestly isn't even political in nature, is that the future no longer happens here....
Stuff like this is why the U.S. isn't great anymore. We all know that the U.S. is no longer the standard that it used to be in many areas,...
I'm pro-life and I've already posted on this thread. While I do believe live begins when a heartbeat starts and can be detected, anything before...
This is my mentality as well. I'm not saying they are 100% wrong but meteorology still has trouble with snowstorms a week out. I'm not near...
They've constantly said this for the last 10 years. Honestly until it happens I am skeptical. It's all about clickbait and wanting to get more...
My views on life by this boards standards are pretty Conservative. I do believe that a life begins at a heartbeat. With that said, even as a...
I'm torn on this as part of me agrees with it and part of me disagrees. I'll admit one of the sore spots for me is that I don't really have any...
I bet a lot of people there will beg to differ. So get ready because it’s right near the top of my list. You don’t have to worry, I’ll stay away...
Plan right now long term is to get to West Virginia, eastern Tennessee or western North Carolina if I stay in the eastern US. If I decide on...
I'm not trashing them at all. I completely understand their decision making and perspective. Their desire to be with their own kind. I can...
Blaxit: Tired of Racism, Black Americans Try Life in Africa Absolutely love it, a big smack in the face to those who try to push the "diversity...
Why don't you answer my question?
Liberals like yourself just hate it because it's the truth. Liberals like yourself hate it because you dream of the day that there isn't a single...
VegasFox I can somewhat appreciate what you are trying to do but you might as well give up now with this crowd. Liberals hate Russia for two...