Again Donald Trump will never serve a second in jail. You will see 100,000 Americans surround Donald Trump to prevent any law enforcement official...
Remember that in the eyes of England every founder of this country committed terrorism against England. You want us to leave. You will have to...
For those of you celebrating the destruction of our justice system today, just know this, Trump will never step foot in a jail cell. You try to do...
The fall of America is accelerating now and almost complete. I know this, I'm arming up and getting my weapons ready. Just bought another two...
As a Catholic I will truly say that I don't acknowledge his authority. Pope Benedict is still the Pope as you are Pope until you die. Pope...
One very critical difference between Kap and Butker. Butker did this completely in a personal capacity, not related to the Chiefs in any way. It...
Have fun KC taking the dead money salary cap hit, because they will owe him every cent of his contract whether or not he steps foot on a field again.
I'm sure most people in England in the 1700's wouldn't have considered the U.S. citizens patriots either. Doesn't mean they weren't. To most in...
Exactly. Everyone in this thread of Monday morning quarterbacking. Applying 2024 standards to people in the 1860's who were still using horse and...
Long term I think that's the answer. Most of the bowl games don't even get good attendance and it's not even about that anymore. It's about the TV...
In this new world of the 12 team college football playoff and the major bowl games being incorporated into the college football playoff, there is...
The only way I can see them forcing this would be if the players are compensated directly by the university or if it's part of their country....
Oh they will happen more often now. The 100 - 150 years was back when the world was largely isolated and travel was only limited to the very...
Please elaborate. You obviously think something long term would happen to the “trumpies” under Trump. What would it be? On the COVID note, since...
That’s why I want Ukraine to surrender. To stop the needless killing. Biden and the left love seeing whites killing other whites. Makes the...
Personally I hope Russia wins. You all just want Ukraine to destroy Russia since Russia is essentially the last major majority white country that...
It’s a benefit too. I just don’t like the vast majority of people in general. You all can call me a racist or a sexist. Really I’m actually a...
And this is why the U.S. will largely be incapable of winning any war today. Someone else starts a war against you, you finish that war. You...
Absolutely. But again I take choices for my actions. I have a pre-existing condition that could’ve caused COVID to be bad for me. But you know...
Hamas would love to kill every Jewish person in the world in another Holocaust and yet I don’t see you saying anything against that. What about...