It should've never been in New York City. No chance to get a fair jury there. It should've been held in Albany or somewhere else in the state.
Felon or not I don't care, I'll be voting for him in November. Funny how Trump keeps getting more support the more this goes doesn't it?
You're right. I did lie on this one. But I did contribute $20 on the site this evening. And I will donate more to him when possible.
This wasn't a jury of his peers. This was a jury of Democrats who would take any opportunity to destroy Trump. There was no legitimate trial here.
When did I ever say that?
We're sorry you support selective justice. If this was a Democrat there wouldn't have been a single charge filed.
Wrong, New York State has no jurisdiction over Federal laws. Now if you mean New York State elections where Hilary Clinton won decisively in 2016?...
Exactly what you want. No freedom. No surprise the first amendment means nothing to people like you.
That's funny. I'm sure they'll get right on it. Major crime organizations, drug cartels, forget them, lol.
Yes. Round us up and put us in your re-education camps. That's what you want right?
What's the additional crime? If it's so easy give the specific crime that the falsifying of business records was covering.
RiverGator I'm not lying. I'm being dead serious. Whether you believe it or not is your choice. I am preparing now to defend Donald Trump. To the...
I just donated $5,000 to Trump.
The time for the sacrifice is coming.
Mob rule is what caused this conviction. Still can't tell us what the underlying crime is. Federal Campaign Finance laws are federal and well...
Again just try to jail him. You'll have the biggest battle ever on American soil.
I'm in the Orlando area, tell me where you want to meet up and you can take me to jail. You convicted Trump, you essentially convicted all of...
Get ready: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
You're advocating for America to become a banana republic. To advocate for America becoming a state where any disagreements from the communist...
So are you ready to jail half the country? You didn't convict Trump today, you convicted half the country. The charges, being for America and...