No I think I'll stay here, at least to make sure I vote in November. I'm even considering signing up for poll watching. After that, depending on...
I would actually say #1 is more likely. It's far easier for there to be riots or demonstrations when it's organized and controlled. Most of the...
I just said it's widely estimated to be at 70 percent.
So then what do you recommend? The answer isn't to just do nothing. For too long during the Biden era Conservatives have been too terrified to...
But on the other hand I'll be nice and give you a bone. It is widely estimated that the U.S. funds 70 percent of NATO. The U.S. funds far more of...
You can research it yourself. Not my responsible to feed you validating for every comment I make. The proof is there. Everyone knows NATO is...
Too cold. Costa Rica would be more my preference. Beautiful beaches and mountains, friendly culture and beautiful women.
Would some of you all at least bother to even read the whole post. Heck a lot of it wasn't even me but was a prominent Conservative YouTube...
The U.S. didn't need Article 5 to attack those responsible for 9/11. I would argue the assistance received by NATO after 9/11 was negligible at...
NATO was one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made. The sooner the U.S. would leave that POS organization the better. The U.S....
And yet we're the Nazis right? Yet you are flat out saying you would be happy to jail all your political enemies. You're the one turning your back...
You try to jail 30% or 40% of the country the country falls in days and you are talking about the UN or NATO finally getting off their lazy a**es...
So predictable. I was waiting for the minute someone tried to make this invalid comparison. If I don't stand for the anthem I'm representing...
If 30% or 40% get on board and don't do it are they going to jail 30% or 40% of the country? Please name me countries that have survived even...
First of all, no more recognition of the american flag or standing for the national anthem. Scott Adams said the following on YouTube today, it's...
If you consider a communist globalist U.S. a great country. A U.S. with no self determination anymore and a U.S. that bows to the world order,...
Not related to the case specifically but to the country more in general. I genuinely don't see any hope of there being unity in this country ever...
State powers also end at the state line. If I was Trump I would get back to Florida and work with DeSantis so that Trump can never be extradited...
Yes he would.
Like I really care what you of all posters think. I support and will continue to support Donald Trump. Thinking about setting up an automatic $20...