Our record stinks, but we've proven we can play with anyone. We haven't exactly been blown off the field, especially recently. It's time to WIN...
So you don't think Cags will be able to muster a .247 BA and 100 HRs for his career? With what he has shown against the very best SEC competition...
Brad Wilkerson was not a .280 hitter.
Really? Wow... Needless to say I completely disagree. Dude is practically a lock for top five pick and has an outside chance of going #1 overall....
Okay thank you.
I posted this in the game thread but no response. I swear the schedule said we play someone this Tuesday evening, maybe North Florida or someone...
Wait, what? Did I miss something? I could swear we had a midweek game in between UK and UGA.
We do not have a solid offense. We have the spectacular Cags and that's it. Take out Cags and we're hitting .254 as a team. That's terrible.
Not Texas in Austin?
I can't envision Wisconsin with a bad OL, but I'll take your word for it.
Mertz was not a "very good quarterback" at Wisconsin. Not even close. His passer rating as a starter was 127.4. That's pretty much terrible. He...
I'm not following. Do you not agree Mertz was a languishing player before he got to us and how his play completely changed under different coaching?
Mertz was 7-6 at Wisconsin and was not impressive statistically, but he was a former five star recruit that CBN saw still had serious ability, and...
How can we add games at this point?
Do you think Miami, Samford and UCF will be tougher games than FSU?
I'd love to hear who the nine tougher games are. FSU takes a step back with no Jordan Travis, but they do have a fifth year senior quarterback...
You think Ole Miss in the Swamp is a tougher game than FSU in Tally? We might be favored vs Ole Miss. We will not be favored in Tally.
They apparently put a lot of weight on true road games. But if that's the case I would give the edge to Texas in Austin.
No surprise who's #1... MSN
I think we can take 2 from Kentucky at home but we'll need some breaks. UGA on the road will be tough. And for the love of God, don't give Condon...