I miss Mr. 2 Cents.
The Simpsons episode where the family goes out for sushi and Homer eats a potentially fatal serving of pufferfish is worth finding.
I have had serious doubts about this for a lot of reasons, but it seems to be everywhere right now.
We could all imagine a lot of things, but if it's straightforward like 99% of these things are, then timing wouldn't be an issue.
I worry our glorious expectations will be blocked by the MARTA bus that is UCLA... [media]
At 4:45, this post was made. The thread officially turned 10 days old. This post was #14,270, or 1,427 posts per day.
Good post. I think it is less about money - or at least compensation - than it usually is. Unless Kelly would be paid over $6 million, his...
NFL teams and their lawyers too smart to fall for that one. He has to get paid a market wage or else the courts will just impute that as the wage...
Only 150 posts by 5pm to get us to our mark.
Lukewarm like you're the last one to wake up and take a shower.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like he doesn't know anything.
The offset clause offsets cash paid against cash owed. It only applies if and to the extent we pay him something. Whether we trot him out in...
If we can get to 14,415 posts by 5:00PM, we will have done it! That's just under 721 pages.
As of 4:10pm, the thread has been open for 14,365 minutes, and we had 14,190 posts. WE ARE CLOSING IN ON ONE POST PER MINUTE. If we hit the one...
There is some kind of complete BS out there that if they announce him before the end of our season, then he would forfeit some or all of his NFL...
This post was made at 2:04 PM. It is post 13,798. At 1:04 PM, @Bayportgator made post 13,638. That is 160 posts in one hour, or one post every...
This was posted at 2:00pm on November 20. That is 9 days, 21 hours and 15 minutes after the thread was started, or 14,235 minutes after the...
These are good points, although I suspect the experience of coaching there could be the source of why he doesn't want the fishbowl. If those...
Andy Staples made a good point that is bad for us in a column on UCLA. He mentions that Chip Kelly might be uncomfortable at a place with a rabid...
This UCLA stuff is really bad. He wouldn’t be meeting with them if he were 100% sure about us.