wow. Why so rude? I was at the game so I do know exactly what’s been happening at second base. I’m also a fan of Kistler and have been for years...
That would depend on the situation. In this last game? We have several girls capable of playing second base and right field. If the current...
I didn’t frankly understand pulling Ava. Obviously I wasn’t privy to conversations, but it didn’t appear to be warranted at that time. I felt the...
I'm curious where we line up in the rankings this week.
Vawter looked tired today. Anyone out there yesterday can confirm how brutally hot it was. She wasn’t as good today. I’m guessing fatigued as...
We needed this win. Not pretty but we got it. Go Gators! As an aside I would just like to put out a reminder that when you go to games and post on...
Agree. They will put her again tomorrow.
Agree. I totally believe in their ability to see OKC. I also think they are a well blended team. They appear to be well bonded and really like...
Not to mention it can’t help for Ava to go directly from first base to the rubber then back to first base. Pretty sure the majority of the team...
I would really love to see Wooten do well. We need a third!
Keagan needs to be rested. Ava need to make her focus pitching. Defensive players (2nd and 3rd) who do not appear to be able to produce at a...
This is correct. It's no coincidence that some of them stopped hitting when conference play started.
We also have Barnard who was critical to our success against LSU. I would like to see what she could do left in the lineup.
The problem is not her speed. She throws harder than Miller. There's no spin so she's easy to see. Just as an add on, seeing the fatigue of KR and...
Barnard was ranked 11 2021 class Hovermale 11 2023 class AK 13 2023 class. Judging by Fall Barnard was strongest offensive and defensive of 3. My...
"Softball is for now; a UF degree is forever." Truer words ... Congrats ladies!
Rubber! :)
On the mound yes, on the field no.
It's a tragic loss for these girls.
Interesting question. I'm a big Jordy fan, but can she carry Nebraska? Will she need to carry Neb? I watched all the UF Fall games. The 23/24...