scroll up... his dad is on the uaa committee and search committee..
not sure if you saw this... he's been on point so far.. [media]
private... hunt club
Chinese dodgeball team and cartman starting a Christian rock band... freaking hilarious!! love me some Beavis and butthead and Tom Green show too!!
I'm good....I'm in the middle of a 4,000 acre block.. by myself.
I'm in the woods huntin and it took everything I could do to not LMAO!!!
that's OK... I'm girly booty watcher myself!!
I know exactly what to say.. damn glad I'm not in that circle of trust!!!
like I said, no viagra was needed.. :devil:
so glad I don't have to use that little blue pill yet.. about 15 years ago, I was in an applebys back home drinking 2 for 1's and I was recently...
any coaching updates to start with? plane news? tilly, BenGrillTrippin, Bowie.. help a brother out!!
usually between 5 & 5:30am sleeping in the daytime is a lot like being dead!!
I was just playing around with you... the way the mods run the site doesn't bother me either way as long as there's still good peeps in here and...
define free for all!!!
still waiting for tilly to update... he's nails!! you never met the redhead I took home from chaps one night!!!
complete with pictorial!!!
t the Kate upton gif is an all-timer!!! Verlander you lucky bastard!!
good stuff, my man!!
my condolences... take care!!
like I said before... "DICK!!!" button.