Utter nonsense!
Pray tell, what was it on, then?
And Drumpf is the ultimate wanna-be authoritarian of revenge politics. You don't need to take my word for it, take his! Dude is 100% unfit for...
The ultimate what-about-ism.
Still far more coherent than demented Donald!
But, but, but Drumpf owns the libs!
Hey cons, this guy is one of yours! It's not too late for at least some of you to see the light and leave the orange sh!tgibbon behind!
Definition of willful blindness here. Bow down to your orange god!
Right, reality! Carry on, comrad!
Is this a bot or a troll or a trollbot?
But the 2nd amendment says that I have the right to open carry a bazooka!
Ted Knight = funny!
I thought the old man nailed it. He's far more lucid than Drumpf!
Blood-blain-barrier penetration is required for efficacy against nearly all neuro targets, by definition.
Great line from this precursor article: So while, it is admirable to think “understanding” can fix this country, it is also naive. Progressives...
White Rural Rage gets at the heart of why rural whites have come to constitute the basis of the Drumpf cult and why they continue to vote against...
I miss that guy!
I personally hated masking and stopped as soon as the local mandate was lifted. That said, here's a good summary of relatively utility by a...
So, so wrong! I have a PhD in chemistry and have worked in pharma for 27 years. Happy to debate any medical or scientific issue you like. You...
Fauci was there long before Drumpf and Birx is a quack. States instituted lockdowns, not the feds. Operation Warp Speed provided funding to...