Are you East Coasters hot enough yet?
"This country needs unity..." Change your mind already?
This country will never unite around a convicted felon!
It all makes sense to me now!
Crichton is a great writer, but is simply wrong on climate change. The data on global warming is now irrefutable. Unless and until the GOP...
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Hunter Biden should be impeached immediately!
Well said.
Globally, not so much.
Gotta do what ya gotta do.
You need help.
It was Bill Clinton who coined this phrase back in '92. He was right, by the way.
Um, no drama Obama?
Gullible much?
I was taught about the potential for nuclear winter at school back in the 1970s and remember the couple of new magazines that tried to make a...
Global warming was predicted back to at least the 1950s, well before the 1970s.
That 10' of rise could happen in a matter of a few years, not 40 generations.
I'll take this guy over Desantis for Gov all day long!
Dude was convicted in a court of laws by a jury of his peers. There are >20 other women who claim similar experiences with this scumbag. And you...
"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” This is an admission of sexual...
This guy, you know who.