Sorry, didn't see the prior post.
This can't be mere coincidence, can it? Not enough has been made of Drumpf's repeated association with Epstein, IMO. Maybe that changes now?
You support a draft-dodging, racist, grifting, convicted rapist and fraudster and we're the drinking the kool-aid. Got it.
I'm a one-policy voter; Drumpty Dumpty doesn't belong within 100 miles of DC.
Wishful thinking by traitors who support fat Elvis traitor!
I’ve wondered the same for a long time. It is an odd pattern.
It's not hard and the racism is the point!
Interesting. You remember something that never happened.
Or on a flight delayed last weekend by the biggest IT meltdown in history. Just sayin!
Dude is a mental and physical mess - always has to be doing something odd with his hands. The guy shouldn't be allowed within a hundred miles of DC!
She didn't. Continuing to parrot your orange god is a bad look.
I've been following her for many years as a former CA resident. She's always been very, very clear about her background. DEI hire, sure, I hope...
So, you’re OK with blatant racism. Got it.
That anyone at all can continue to support this blatant racist is incomprehensible.
HRC labeled HALF of MAGA as a basket of deplorables, let's be accurate in quoting her. So, your proudboys, white supremacists and the like. It...
My wife is South African and watched the "last few balls" of the final. She was disappointed when her team lost and being the good husband I am, I...
My God, why couldn't the rapist conman have simply faded away after he had his turn at destroying the country? Why are we stuck in a nightmare...