No, it doesn’t. You’ll get to call her President Kamala soon enough!
Dude can both throw and dodge shoes!
For me, initial shock turned to anger. I was ready to enlist at age 31. It was awesome how we all came together at least for a short time. If we'd...
Not now. In fact, all of the major betting markets now have Harris up.
Rain expected in parts of the Sahara for the first time on record. So many daily and seasonal weather records around the globe are falling and...
Could be another indicator of North Atlantic Current collapse.
OP's posts must be read as the satire they are. Always good for a laugh!
Give me an old-school republican option and they'll get my vote. Diaper Don? NEVER!
You’re right, she would be much better off incoherently rambling on and on like Drumpf.
She makes sense unlike the insane orange clown. Any normal human for President!
Trump Launches Antisemitic Attack on Josh Shapiro Over DNC Speech...
Because Shat has insider access and definitely knows! Don't worry about Drumpf's anti-semitism because Obama, right? MAGA is a bad joke that won't...
You missed a key adjective: 'highly overrated Jewish...'
She's ahead in every national poll and enough of the "battle ground" states to win the EC. Betting odds have also shifted to favoring her to win....
You need help.
There is nothing - not one thing - Drumpf could say or do to shake the blind allegiance of his cult followers.
It was Drumpf and his congressional lackeys who killed a comprehensive bill that would have addressed all of your points and more, not the dems!