This is a no-win situation. A despicable terrorist is dead. Good. But we all know that Bibi the war criminal will not use this opportunity to...
Right-wing lying/spinning/misinforming as usual: A White House official told Newsweek that the administration had only opposed a large-scale...
Easy question and even easier answer: because she'll be the President Elect in less than a month.
MAGA needs to die and be replaced by a remotely credible conservative alternative.
Sure, I do remember GHWB's "read my lips" and subsequent capitulation on increasing taxes that costed him the election. Seems a million years ago!
Yes, absolutely. The point I'm trying to make is that cons are historically even worse from a deficit/debt perspective than dems. Most of us... Joe Biden 2021 – present* (as of August 8, 2024) $6.66 trillion...
In terms of how much President Trump added to the debt, we previously estimated that he approved $8.4 trillion of new borrowing over ten years...
92 ignores this reality like a typical con.
Wow, I had not read this before. Let’s hope market forces continue to drive down emissions post-2024 and that the trend accelerates!
Most of us certainly hope so!
Harris now up 6 points in aggregated betting market, even up 3 on Polymarket.
Wage growth vs inflation U.S. 2024 | Statista I gave my employees a 6% cost of living increase in 2023 as 6% was the average rate of inflation...
Hey Boris, you say 'well played.' I say sick.
He said it very clearly, no ambiguity whatsoever.
“Democrats said please don’t call them animals. I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals."
Now if his orange master would just admit the same, we might be getting somewhere!
RFK Jr flipped it, debate flipped it back. The closer we get to the actual date, the more locked in the outcome becomes.
I'll take 4 points on the aggregated betting market.
All of the betting markets and current polls say you're probably wrong. We'll see.