Why does the speaker have a head scarf on where no one can see her face?
Would that be the "crazies" on the left and right... because neither political party has a lock on members, and their ideas, that are corrupt,...
No sir. Never complained about paying. I just think we disagree on what that "fair share" number looks like. My number is lower because I know...
BS. A 10%-15% effective tax rate is plenty. Do you have any idea how much government waste there is smart guy? Why don't you pipe down on the...
An effective tax rate over 20%, which is what I pay, is not a "small part". I agree with everything else you said. Give me an effective rate...
Stop. DJ may end up being good enough to play in the NFL but he is not "NFL ready" right now.
Just for more actual information... these numbers are on top of the increased percentages prior to 12 months ago.
Just a question. What do you mean by "We know too much now"?
I agree with you there, so was mine(MTR). So somewhere between 37% and 0% is a happy medium... hence my 20%. And get rid of "loopholes".
I think how the revenue is spent is a different topic. To the second point, I could ask you the same. Why does the Federal government feel they...
This study examines federal corporate income taxes paid by the largest profitable corporations from 2018 through 2022. "Because the corporations...
Great reply g8trdoc. I have always wondered what regular folks like yourself consider "high capacity", as opposed to our lawmakers. The only issue...
What's your definition of a "high capacity" magazine?
I'm tired of hearing that a third-party vote is a wasted vote. It may have been true in the past, but not now. We have two of the most unqualified...
M has is two damn good lines of scrimmage. An above average O and D line will compensate for lower rated skill players.
"Can't answer a question directly"... that's politics, and both sides do it.
... and the staff will need to make better in-game decisions.
After year two, I am now even more solid that BN wasn't ready to coach in the SEC. Unfortunately, this article leads me to believe BN isn't up to...
That 97' team was years ahead of this team, and it had Spurrier as a coach. Not even close.
I read the entire post and was thinking, I can agree with the majority of this. It was well thought out and well presented. Then the poster said,...