Guy didn’t flip his bat, he slammed it into the ground.
I think lsu just toys with these lesser teams. Wofford switches pitchers in the 8th and gives up 3 hr’s.
So does Tx A/M, Miss St., Tx. and ole Miss rotate off the schedule and we pick up four new teams in 2026?
Thanks for the replies. I was just curious as to why we are struggling against these mid week opponents. Losing Riviera, Riopelle, the starting...
I don’t follow roster changes from one year to the next but what is different between this years team and last years team? I know we don’t have...
LSU was a home game in 2020.
Why wait? Enough of this failed experiment! Take our lumps now and get a new coach.
I’m with you Gainesvillegreen, I was thinking the same thing about Wilson.
They still play it all game long whether there winning or losing. There not going to play it any less the next game if we beat them the previous game.
Why do we let them in our stadium? Why do we let them play that Damn war chant song every 5 seconds? I have to hit the mute button when I watch...
Shouldn’t that be an equipment violation? thus a penalty?
We’re 25-25 this decade. I thought sometime during the 50’s we had a record like that but all the way back to the mid 40’s. ☹️
Thanks defense.
Vegas should have nothing to do with outcomes of games. And yes it was definitely a catch. You can’t overturn that. That replay official has that...
Finally found a forecast for Saturday 11/18. High 69 low 51. No chance of rain.
That was against Arkansas I believe.
Maybe he just lost his balance.:D
We didn’t win so no positives. Let the other team have moral victories.
What was the penalty? I missed the explanation. This is garbage having to play against the refs too.