Exactly. I feel like I'm watching a real Gator football game right now...
I can think of a couple offensive coaches from our current staff that should be there. Perhaps Chip can give them a couple of pointers on how...
Anyone found Boone's Farm lately? I tried to have a nostalgic night, no go. I remember that stuff being too good to be taken off the market. But...
They should announce right at the latest playoff rankings. We all know that it's just a ratings grabber and doesn't mean anything at this point...
SwampStalker's airplane is airborne. Not certain who's on it.
Strokelin going to make the announcement live from Bristol studios? Even better. :)
But that's like 8 hours from now!!
Or vienna sausage in some cases...
I just gave my son that talk. Went the MLB batting average route. .300 and you are a major leaguer. 3 out of 10 girls son, 3 out of 10. Proud...
Are we living in bazarro world? I didn't know each post after page 100 was a repeat...
It is tough to keep up - by the time I post this I'm sure I'll be at least 2 pages behind....
It's Storkland. Quite fitting if you think about it. He'll deliver us a new coach and in turn, deliver Gator Football back to relevance.
Shudder. What an interesting place that was back in 2000. Mons Venus it is not....
That's a great idea! Hope Strepthroat has the t's crossed and i's dotted so we can have our own TV time tonight!!!
@MyakkaGator has the best signature
Western Kentucky:16–20 South Florida:24–25 Oregon:5–5 I'll grant you they became "winning programs", but even TOG and Mr. Shark had a "winning...
What has Taggert done to be considered for the UF Head Coaching position?
I suppose I understand an agent sticking up for his clients, but in this case, one flew off the cuckoo's nest. Hard to justify playing hardball...
Haha, couldn't remember the proper ending, "aired".
Insanity later.