Do you trust Stricklin to hire the next coach? Stricklin should be fired before halftime.
I wonder which high school football coach Stricklin has decided to make the next millionaire
Front load the commercials because no one will watch after halftime.
First down, let’s run up the middle. That will surprise them
Step 1: At halftime, change the locks to Scott Stricklin’s office and Skybox, cancel his key card, tow his car, then fire him.
I don’t think the first year #18 ranking should be held against Napier since he was hired in December. To have a top 20 class with a new young...
I listened to the schedule reveal and the opponent rules, which requires 8 conference games and at least one required opponent from the ACC, Big...
UGA dropped Oklahoma from its schedule this year. Why can’t we change our 2024 schedule since strength of schedule does not matter?
Since strength of schedule matters very little, hopefully we will be more strategic when choosing our out of conference opponents going forward.
We are behind Jacksonville State. It didn’t have to be this way.
Whoever allowed FSU’s full band should be fired.
Scared money but coach still makes money
Why did we allow or invite FSU’s full band. Sounds like an FSU home game with their obnoxious chant
What about Harbaugh? He had to take a pay cut a few years ago and is now being harassed by the Big10. Although his new 5year contract is highest...
It is getting where it is no longer fun to watch. I know the defense is young but my oh my
Some creativity that we haven’t seen but the defense plays soft. Bouncing off defenders.
We need an experienced offensive coordinator.
Embarrassing! We are back to pre-1984 Gators. Loved my time in Gainesville in the early 80’s but this is just embarrassing.
This is an argument for reducing the number of bowl games and increasing the criteria for an invite. In 1985, the year I graduated UF, there were...
We need an OC