Whew ... glad to only give up 1 there. Let's get the bats going .. time for a really crooked inning!
We might need a long outing from Fisher today ...
Oy vey!
Can't give up BB's!
Hmm ... 91 & 90 first 2 fastballs ..
Let's get a clean 1st inning out of Cags please!
What grit this team showed in the Regional, especially in the last 3 games!
Uno mas!
3 outs to Clemson!
Clutch pitches by Jameson that inning! A crooked inning would be nice here!
Love it when the OF doesn't even turn around!
Boom shaka laka for Shelnut!
Where's @Bazza when you need him? :)
Huge outs by the freshman!
Time to break this game open! Let's put up a crooked number this inning!
Ashton Wilson is the man!
Good to get out only giving up 1 run there
Clemente is dealing!
Do we have a discipline problem? <sarcasm>