To the OP, silly boy.
It is telling that you have no response.
It is telling that you have no response. Thank you for conceding the point.
that is so stupid. It's not even merely ignorant, which I guess is refreshing. I triple dare you to prove your assertion with facts. Before you...
We should make him defend the assertions and opinions of the author.
You are wrong.
Mind blown. You even looked up the definition and still got it wrong. You are confusing defaming official misinformation with rumor. He's not...
So you don't understand the word 'rumor'. Got it. I understand why your statement was confusing. A rumor lacks a defined source, spreads through...
Would you agree that "unsubstantiated rumor" and "statement from a government official" are two different things?
You never answered my question nor does it appear that you even comprehended it. Which words confused you? Who on this thread has indicated they...
That makes no sense. You act as though prior, potential misinformation statements were not discussed here. Has anyone on this thread (to date)...
Stop with the false equivalency. He did not attack the character of a group of women or use derogatory language ('tainted clams') toward them.
Again, coming after me doesn't absolve you of your prior statements. But fire away.
Now an ad hominem. No attacking of me will distance you from your own words.
A false equivalency and a tu quoque attack. SMDH
Ah... equivocation defense. What term would you use for women who have lots of sex and end up with STDs? SMDH
Why choose to call a large group of women diseased sluts? What is wrong with you?
[MEDIA] Coach's statement indicates there is an investigation.
wut!? Are you saying Putin wants a president that will do more than write checks to oppose him? Not less?
Yes. He did.