Politifact actually gets a big chunk of change from Koch. Major Funders - Poynter
It was great. I loved that they played Petty’s Don’t Back Down for the Florida delegation.
This is beyond disgusting. Trump and Netanyahu both should be in prison. Trump trying to avert ceasefire deal because it would help the Harris...
In this morning’s Sentinel Sources: The real reason UF President Sasse stepped down
Expand your pool of friends.
Great way to woo suburban women, bring on an abuser. This after you’ve called child free women less than, tell older women that their REAL purpose...
Kinda like “Build a wall and Mexico will pay for it” I would be happy if we would just enforce the anti trust laws we already have.
Anti trust legislation wasn’t limited to monopolies and they are absolutely colluding. Here is one example in the food industry....
I’m always amazed that people don’t understand this.
Patronis is also a Nole
How do you feel about anti-trust enforcement? Four companies control 85% of meat processing.
In addition, here is the definition of code switching. People do it all the time. [ATTACH]
One thing to remember about the disparity between Rs and Ds is that 90% of the “inactive” voters on the rolls are Ds and NPAs. If you did not vote...
Yes and Federalist #10 addresses faction as well.
I know that some of you will lose your mind over this BUT girl’s teams use the boys locker room when they are the away team. In addition, in the...
Embarrassing to anyone that considers themselves a decent human being.
Let’s not forget Senators Oz and Walker. How pathetic is a person that gets their jollies from trolling a message board? It’s middle school level...
Try Dixie Bones in Woodbridge
Harlon Crowe is helping finance this as well through his donations.