Come for the racism, stay for the misogyny
It’s always a good idea to insult half the electorate
I have no idea why they keep letting this nasty nutbag post here.
Exactly. My recent favorite line of bullshittery is that you can solve the water crisis in California by turning on the Canadian water faucet....
They are afraid to admit their own mediocrity. Their struggles are always someone else’s fault.
As long as he’s “their” dictator it’s all good.
Yeah but you’ve got to admire the resolve to put lipstick on that pig.
Well, yeah. We do it every three years.
Anyone who lives/has lived in S FLA knows exactly who this guy is; a roided up dude from Hialeah
A good place to start would be with our governor
I see our friend Orlandogator is back
It is a strain, just like any boom town situation. Important to note though is that Springfield received a BILLION dollars in tax revenue last...
Serious question, do you ever get tired of defending the indefensible? Fuchs seems to have done well with donors spending far less. Don’t forget...
UF wasn’t paying venue costs, typically one of the biggest events cost.
Yep, just read this in the Sentinel. A 38K sushi bar at a holiday party :rolleyes:
I thought she did exactly what she needed to do and that was be the grown up in the room. Walking across to shake his hand was a boss move. She...
I popped in here for a good laugh about the “spin” from the MAGA contingent. I was not disappointed
I remember when JFK had to prove that his allegiance wasn’t to the Vatican
You can say the same thing for the cop too. They’ve also gotten worse because of folks white knighting for them as well.