It's not a panic move. Mora being fired from UCLA has been a badly kept secret since the week leading up to Florida/Georgia
Honestly people coming into this thread should just know that we're on top of every tweet and post. When people come into this thread, the odds...
this was 24 hours ago
This is incredibly vague. where did you see it? who asked him?
Yeah he said about a month or so ago that Florida fans were the most spoiled fan base in CFB who could never be pleased. His mentions on Twitter...
He never mentions "fans" "fan" or the word "rabid" in that article.
Oh did you go to school to do that? Do you work for the FBI or police reading peoples body language as a living as they are talked to by...
yea people are going to over analyze whatever Stricklin says if he speaks. His words mean very little unless hes saying Chip is hired. Dude is...
Got bored and googled the CJ1 since someone a couple pages ago mentioned its seating. 6 people went to NH and 6 people came back. All the links I...
There are probably plenty of reasons to move the press conference time that don't have to do with announcing Kelly.
But I think this is false. Because I remember sitting in my living room when UCLA fired Mora and then 1-2 hours later the plane took off to go to...
6M a year isnt exactly other worldly. Was hoping for 7+ since UCLA I think just had to shell out 13M for Moras buyout
My NFL source said that McElwain was actually hired in the middle of October. He said Mac treated his staff like garbage the rest of the year. But...
I have a hard time believing that its taking this long if it has nothing to do with money. the only thing i can see is that Chip sees the Pac-12...
So one I suck at math when I'm sober but I'm a little drunk, so if Florida offers 5M a year, what exactly would UCLA have to offer for it to match...
No personal state income tax in Florida vs in California its 12.3% on taxable income of $526,444 and above.
To be fair this is an HOURS old tweet and a lot of new stuff has come out since then
also why do so many long time posters here get so bothered and upset, downright angry, when new people post? its.....its really odd. Like do you...
i tried looking at reddits ucla football sub but its a ghost town there lol. was wondering if i found any smoke on anything but that isnt a good...
difference is im asking questions and saying i dont know as to where most people are passing off what they have as factual information lol