This is another example of you guys taking yourselves way too seriously. That is a meme. With some wording changed if you dont believe me...
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Chip Kelly. The offensive scheming is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of RPO...
TIL on Gatorcountry - Skepticism is heavily frowned upon. you should believe everything you read, as long as its a positive for florida, ANYTHING...
im drunk and venting that chip kelly is so soft that he picked the route of least resistance. that isnt something elite coaches do turned down TAMU, Florida,...
"Sources, however, are indicating that Kelly turned dow Florida, as well as Texas A&M, Nebraska and others." From...
oh. nah im good on that. not sure why anyone would want a guy who retired because he wasnt enjoying himself to come out of retirement to re-take a...
I've legitimately read from like 3-4 different SAUCES that UCLA pulled a Florida and told Chip they are going to look around now
Suggest what? didnt see
i got some beers in me so im gonna take a more relaxed approach now I'm actually fine with Scott giving Chip the middle finger and laying his...
so no
are we allowed to post posts from other insider boards or no?
If Trump can become President and Franz can become a insider, you too, can be anything you want in life
Screw it guys, lets just Florida 2017 this whole thing up and go after the Lane Train. I mean he's probably option 7 anyways so lets just skip...
If I was a troll, id be doing a really good job, because a trolls job is to illicit a response from people not smart enough to realize they are...
This was said on the buddy martin show Franze Beard is now reporting on Buddy Martin Show that Chip Kelly overplayed his hand at both @GatorsFB &...
Yea this entire Chip to Florida saga should have been a lesson for everyone to not listen to the sources. Everyone on GatorCountry was wrong....
this is also a common response from people who get really offended really easily from opposing points of views. you've offered nothing of...
I think charlie would do great here if our cheap athletic department allowed strong to hire an elite level offensive coordinator. im not sure that...
Stop being delusional. oh no. someone hurt the fragile optimists feelings because were upset that florida lost chip to ucla after having a big...