Welp, here's another vote for Satan..... Rob Schneider Claims the Olympics’ ‘Last Supper’ Tableau With Drag Queens ‘Openly Celebrates Satan’;...
You're responding to a guy that excuses Trump's grotesque hiring record by invoking the term "swamp creatures." At this point, it would be...
As many popular votes as your convicted felon has won?
^ gave that a 'funny' rating because all we can really do is laugh, at this point. People are actually willing to vote for that guy. :)
Do you think Trump will get a lot of support from Russia in this election also, like he did in the past?
It's so unfair when the press reports.........the truth!! But at least you have the strong morality to be greatly disturbed by this. And by...
Crazy how badly Trump failed on the border, leaving the problem for Biden to entirely clean up.
I'm weeping for the unfairness you are forced to deal with. You're a victim!! You may now return to shilling for your adjudicated and...
Whatever makes you feel better to shill for an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter, who has the most vile record of adultery in modern...
Biden’s diminished. Trump is diminished and has regularly used dog whistles to incite violence and racism. Who cares if some of his supporters...
This is pretty big distinction for you; legally your adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter was not found legally liable for actual rape, at...
Well, at least she's not a convicted felon or an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter. So she's got that going for her.
Of course they would. And they'd be correct! Trump has a well documented history of publicly inciting violence. Repeatedly. Biden does not. It's...
LOL!! Trump and his cult have lied and projected his criminality and malfeasance onto others for so long now that they don't even PRETEND to have...
And in ways so thoroughly vile that it's astounding anyone could cast a vote for that vile sexual predator. (he had the money to live every...
In this thread Trump supporters take great great offense to people being given positions they feel like that person didn't earn. Also,...
The only thing that can prevent this is more guns. Two women were killed and five other people were hurt in a shooting at a barbecue in an...
And also...... Ironic. Gaslighting with a pleasant tone is still just gaslighting.
And in this thread dating a celebrity long ago is very very bad. But I bet if we asked, we could get a 2,000 word post extolling the virtues of...
That's a whole lot of words. So you're throwing your support behind the twice-impeached, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter, admitted...