At this point, I believe Chip is going to UCLA after hearing Tebow on ESPN - Denies that Chip was offered a contract (helping UF save face) -...
This was mostly a joke (mostly). Emoji didn't show up for some reason
Tell us more. Details plz.
Just like Chip (mr show cause), other guys need second chances...the opportunity to pass on the tougg lessons they have learned to help young men...
No that was the package UCLA sent to Meyer before he decided on OSU. Wasn't the offer to chip that he was talking about.
Can't imagine both Kelly and Frost spurnig Florida. Especially if we pay up and don't micromanage the coaches. Let them decide who they want on...
I will say...if UCLA got Chip I would have expected to hear some leakage starting tonight since their season ends tomorrow. Been awfully quiet....
I tagged you, but I wasn't complaining just casually asking. If you are on the board the its fair game...definitely not disturbing you from...
nothing wrong with pressing on when you are correct lol. Asking a question on a board isn't disruptive to one's thanksgiving. No one is compelling...
uptight folks lol. Guess I need to take message board etiquette 101. Don't ask anyone questions on a message board on a holiday. If they check the...
yup. Some of you act like this is a phone call or even IM. Its a message board. Reply when you like...
Irritating really? Was just asking. If folks are busy they can answer when they are free. Not like I'm in someone's house or on their lawn bugging...
@tilly and @BenTrillGriffin, what are the systems and sources saying? Thursday night update? Post turkey info? No word leaking of either Florida...
didn't we also fire our active coach though? That said, right now UCLA seems to be getting more buzz so I wouldn't be surprised either way in...
One of the guys doing to Florida Stanford PK80 game is saying that Urban might have gone to UCLA if he didn't go to Ohio State. He said that Urban...
Na Foley famously talked about not getting into the arms race. Completely missed the need to invest in our infrastructure. He did a lot of good...
Sorry for being a little insensitive (prayers up for Fitzgerald) but that injury probably decreases the likelihood that Mullen returns to msu next...
Alex Smith Tebow Dak Fitz All had or having great college careers under mullen
Frost and Mullen would be my next calls. After that, maybe Taggart (recruiting would at least set us up for the future if all else failed....