Wanna hear the scariest thing yet: Imagine Jimbo leaves FSU for some reason and Chip winds up going there.....
Here are some positives that we can focus on that have nothing to do with "sources" or "insider" knowledge: 1) There have been no outright...
This sucks...but was most likely the case all along
That's a good thing.
This is basically taking shots at everyone....
Take it easy, Harvey
Whatever she says I believe... [media]
The best news so far is that there have been ZERO denials of all this.
Dude on Gator Chatter said Stricknine is not in Washington with the baseball team.
Since you have heard 0% from traditional/national/reliable sources about this and the fact that its Friday and it would be near impossible to put...
This is gonna roll into next week at least, huh?
RIVALS is running with the same story: [media]
Why do you think all the traditional Gators insiders (De La Torre etc...) have been completely quiet on all this?
More like not wanting him to tell him what to do. Advise is ok if he asks for it.
Good. Bet Urb told him to do that.
I'm gonna go optimistic today and say even if it's not done today there is still a chance we might get him. The season isn't over yet and they...