And here it comes....
Is that not true though?
Exactly. If these idiots went up there to panic close this thing because the UCLA announceent and failed..... Lawd....
Stop with the press conference crap. If they were gonna do a presser to announce a HC it would be made by an official Florida account to get the...
Big time depression coming..... least until he does sign.
Wouldn't you expect an official announcement of a presser time to make sure everyone tuned in....
Buddy Martin show now saying it's not done?? This is what someone on Gator Chatter said...i don' know how to listen to the BM show
Guys, I would suggest to stop. Again, for the 100th time, not one "reliable" source has confirmed this. We're gonna wind up going down this...
Nothing official... [media]
Haha...i figured it was too early to celebrate .
He then tweeted that this tweet was not meant to be taken seriously.
Haha...i want to hear from someone's son that works for ESPN or Fox sports with a blue check mark.
Me too. I'm not celebrating till someone credible announces it. Don't want to hear from someones son.....
Watch it turn out Tyler's Twitter was hacked....
Did it say they were meeting today?
This was posted on Reddit. Anyone have 247 access to confirm this: "247 update: Believe Florida is meeting with Chip today and they are going to...