Another Tereboro dick punch incoming....
Anyone wanna speculate what Trill's explanation will be?
Can you imagine: a football program that nobody cares about in a town that doesn't give a shit about sports will land a homerun coach over a top...
Where is that UAA plane going?
UAA PLANE N100FG on the move?
After all the hype (warranted or not) around us getting Chip, can you imagine the shit we're gonna get this weekend if we lose out on him and get...
This is the kind of stuff that makes me think the UAA understands how critical this is, and how they have to do everything possible to close this....
^ I take it this last paragraph is a good thing?
Our insiders still seem pretty confident this late in the game huh...
Are the insiders still confident? Any word from Trill lately?
Hypothetical: If this was FSU vs UCLA, would Chip still choose UCLA?
What's the latest from Trill? He was 100% confident earlier....
Haha...calm down, guy. I've seen them many times live. They've calmed down a lot with age.
That Song is awful compared to their earlier stuff.
Song sucks
Man, we went through a lot of work negotiating and basically setting up his entire potential coaching staff just to have UCLA come to the table...
You're not concerned Chip will back out?
How accurate is that post from candyman above?
Just out of curiosity, why would you think there's nothing to fret about when the ESPN tweet just said he's chosing between us and ucla? More...