He's had a good days work. Sit him. DJ has a long future ahead of him.
Please sit Lagway
Gotta keep Tre happy
The play calling is so uninspiring. Napier has only one chance to remain the Head coach. And his name is DJ Lagway.
At least we got that out of the way now
Time out. Ugh.
Drink for every third down stop. I plan on being sober for this game.
It's already been said. This play calling is junior league. Go DJ.
Nonsense. This is NOT about who we play nor statistics today. Nor is this about prior events that you corralled to create your own scenario with...
38-15. Gators. Lagway flashes magic. Prior to the A&M game Mertz is relegated to his natural position as second stringer. DJ Lagway becomes the...
Napier would be perfect for a school like Iowa or Michigan State. Something mid- westy where 8 wins is a good year.
If he did at least we would have a #15 qb who could complete a pass further than his jersey number.
G_d is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul. He guides...
I too was at that game. Went with my Dad. I remember a lot of sad cane fans at the Orange Bowl after the game. Parked on someone's lawn for $20....
This program hasn't won a football game since Oct. 14 2023. 31-19 scUM
Ceiling: 5 wins. Floor: 3 wins.
His loss is a sadness and he will be missed. :( May his memory forever be a blessing.
Obviously when you don't get your way, you sue. Seems a little late in the day to file this lawsuit (without knowing the statute of limitations)....
No objective reason to get excited for this year's defense however this Cormani McClain kid presents an intriguing opportunity. An opportunity...
We all wish you nothing but the best and may you live long and prosper (even for a Dawg) ;) Have you considered alternative medicines until you...