With the lack of anything official that seems like real criticism from Stricklin, any rumors of what Billy is being forced to change sound very...
I guess we can hope, but I don't see this as a likely or substantive change. It reminds me so much of how insistent people were (and some still...
Clearly. Most would be over the moon right now for a win loss record that got Zook fired.
Zook was infamous for "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory," and those late losses after being up were considered a major strike against...
And what happens if the "winner" of a tie breaker loses in the SECCG only to get knocked out of the playoffs because of that loss, while they team...
Haha, thanks. Just thought I'd chime in as to why some of strangers have snuck into the gym from the football field.
I typically only post on Swamp Gas, but this is a massive story, potentially affecting the entire athletic department, and NBN happens to be where...
Regardless of the wording of the initial remark, in 8 years Stricklin has made 8 head coaching hires. 2 were fired for cause early on because of...
Earlier in the year I commented that many ADs would have resigned/been forced out after one hire was let go fpr harrassment/abuse a year after...
So who will give the AD his own public statement of support?
Tha That's what I was thinking too.
With his past three jobs turning around basement dwellers to instantly compete against their more talented and/or more established competition, he...
The fine people of Arlen, I tell you what.
I am honestly glad to see improvement and will cheer the team through the end of the season, hoping for the best every time. But in the history of...
You might be right but it seems incredibly unlikely for it to rise anywhere near where expected with this little time left before ESD and so very,...
The funniest/saddest part of this is that our schedule is harder than necessary because we had to play Miami but Miami's schedule is easier than...
If that happens, and it's a legitimate possibility with ESD less than four weeks away, when is the last time we've finished so low in recruiting?...
A classier response than that cheap shot warranted. Respect, Wanne15.
Hard to argue they weren't bad hires in hindsight. But at the time, each had justifiable reasons. And I get that we're in a tough spot between a...
While you may be right, the same concern was raised after each of our previous firings, and each time, we were able to make hire without much of a...