Even if your follow the money theory is correct, I'd be surprised if you could take enough steps back to actually see the clarity in who is giving...
As someone who never liked the Muschamp hire, I agree with you that, on paper, he was a very strong candidate and his hiring was completely...
To be fair, they make it pretty complicated to figure it out. The UAA is a not for profit with its own board and funding, but it still operates...
Then please take it as a compliment that I'm amazed you have a snarky gif for every occasion.
And also with you!
Or we could just be cool with each other for awhile and not assume the worst.
Not me. I haven't posted in quite some time until pretty recently. But there may not be a snarky gif for that, so that might mess with your...
Though very unevenly enforced, the rule is you can't lead with the crown of your helmet, period. We several got warnings over the last few years...
I think it was the Champ/Mac transition. I still think Muschamp shouldn't have been given that fourth year, but regardless, McElwain was the...
I think you make him the big offer and make him say no. The only people not in play are really the ones we decide in advance aren't in play. I...
There's an awful lot of people now adamant about Napier's firing that just a few short weeks ago were angrily dismissing concerns about him or...
I say it with no malice but it's for the best. For fans, for the players, even for him and his staff. Dead man walking is its own kind of misery....
Potato, potahto
Listening to the radio interview, and he sounds exactly the same as he has every time. You could replace these circumstances with almost any other...
I wrote it after the Miami game, but honestly the benefit of looking so bad again is the absolute crystal clarity that a change is needed. Would a...
94 SEC Championship Game vs Alabama. Danny limped off and Bama assumed we'd just keep it simple with a hand off but Erik Kresser came in cold and...
Sync the video with the radio broadcast and listen to Sean and Shane instead. Much, much better.