Those are the two I hope don't leave, but definitely would make sense and follow the trend.
Pushing the right guys out. Hope we see major gains this year.
He won't let the door hit him in the ass, he doesn't let anything hit him.
Diagree. We really need immediate impact transfer guys as we need to have 7-8 wins this year or we are losing our AD and HC and in another...
While BN play calls left lots to be desired, the main reason for an OC is so Billy can focus on all aspects of the team which he strugged to do...
They should just create their own league and pay the college guys to skip school and then poach some bigger NFL guys. Cheaper than buying a...
This is the answer and its a quick trip to fully out from there. CFB has to be very careful these next few years or risk the golden goose. Hard...
In the NIL/Portal world, 90% of the guys that want to be Gators, will be guys we don't want as we can't win games with them. The current...
Don't get attached to players or names until the NIL/Portal gets fixed with a super conference and its own rules. If I had a good year, I'd be...
We can get him next year in the portal when he's had a year to develop and be ready to start. Let him get his first bag.
I can't wait until there is some more guardrails in place for the portal and NIL. I am more than fine with players getting some money and...
Oh we will absolutely be pushing folks out too. We have no choice at this point.
Its fine. We likely need less 24 class now that Billy needs to get more portal guys to win right away. Gotta make room for that. I'd rather... We spend less than Bama, Georgia, LSU, Texas A&M, Tennessee etc on assist coaches....
And here I thought we had no defense. OK State really has none.
Defense played pretty good tonight outside of a few selfish stupid plays. Too bad the offense was not able to reward them for their effort.
I agree but I expect them to handle it like the Mod ET does here.
Easy call on that PI. Moore is in good position most of the time, but never has his head turned for the ball.
Sadly other teams adjust and we get worse.....
Can't lose 28. He's the best DB we got.