His presser is a hard watch. The media got a tad more direct, but still they are afraid to be blunt for fear of their press passes being revoked...
Munich the real Oktoberfest opening day is 4:30pm Saturday September 21st. I am there every year for the official keg tap, and its always the...
Yeah very few true gems come available in the portal. So has to be mostly homegrown.
Change of pace on play calls felt nice. Can't erase our LOS issues but I liked seeing different.
A team with a weak schedule fears little
Billy mic is up and ABC showed Russ calling in the box.
Blowout. But three positives that drive. 1). Lagway release. 2) RT changed. 3). Calloway called the drive.
And Billy not calling the game this quarter.
Calloway calling the game now
A vanilla personality and calm ceo that we expect to be an outside the box offensive play caller. Sadly he doesn't see it. And our AD didn't...
At least they finally switched the RT
For not wanting to recruit. Which in 2024 you don't have to do anymore.
Mullen with crush would thrive in this NIL /portal world if we funded properly.
Well that was a great season boys! See you in spring ball 2025. It's so frustrating to see regression.
Tackling better. Only thing I see. And still happens after blown coverage and no pressure.
Ego is fatal flaw at times. We are witnessing this now. And zero emotions showed.
Title IX was the biggest issue. So I am curious how the court will settle that obstacle.
This team had holes but sure a big step forward and made watching the games a joy again VS a period of loyalty yet chore like. Right direction...
Oh you're one of those people. Thanks for making it clear you're not a serious person.
Right trajectory for Golden. But definitely need the ability to ramp up defense when a run and gun isn't working out and when tough shots are...