Hit and moved. No issue there.
Every throw over 15 yards gets Mertz lit up.
17 containment has been brutal tonight. And from there it's tough. OK offense go repeat it.
Let's go boys!!!
Hes a poor pass blocker. On a team with a poor OL.
Such a good runner.
The OL + 7 in pass protection must give 15 night terrors.
Extremely rough night for 17.
My biggest complaint with BN as the OC. This happens far to often where 3 and 1 don't see the ball for long stretches.
SEC crews this year have been overall very poor I feel.
Good stop boys. Curious choice by Kelley there.
Bad outcome, but good drives and overall calls so far tonight. Good to see it.
Ouch the dreaded no contact knee. Speedy recovery sir.
14 needs a huge spring and summer in the weight room.
Excellent drive there.
Borderline pylons out there.
Its criminal how terrible the Penn State offense is.
I'm all for BN having next year as the HC and CEO only. He's not an SEC OC, let alone trying to do OC and be the HBC.
His lack of fire at that stage is really starting to tick me off.