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Awesome reply
@tilly is a closet Pimple Popper fan! Welcome to our side. I spoke @MarineG8R and he agreed that there's enough room in our club for you. Let us...
Classic post dude.
No need to worry brother. All's good. Time to relax.
Dude you are the boobs trap king. Im not clicking on a link anywhere near your posts. Lol. Intentionally!!
Dude you are the booby trap king. Im not clicking on a link anywhere near your posts.
Wow really? Its a movie that is loosely based on the life of a mob associate named Henry Hill. The movie stars Robert Dinero, Joe pesci, Ray...
I've spoken to him several times via dm and he's always been great. We talk about his kids, his travels his days pitching for UF, his early...
Im not a hunter but that's pretty sweet. You get anything yet other than a buzz?
Dude, take it easy. @wingtee is a great guy. I don't agree with alot of his posts but theyre his opinion. I dont have to share his opinion to like...
@62gator youre an excellent poster and we agree on a lot and I consider you a buddy..buddy, I have to applaud you for you dedication to the cause....
Good post
Twice now thanks to someone we know!
Hmmmm. Is Tyler's dad head of the UAA Search committee? Im not sure where I've heard that!