I feel like moms and pops did Scientific dirty when they named his brother Majestic. Kinda pigeonholing him into nerdom out the gate. Good on him...
After what Rivals did to EW, I laugh at anyone who poo-poos this board’s constant shitting on that site/rankings
I remember where I was when Tebow committed… this is pretty damn close to that feeling and the undeniable optimism that comes with this croot
Feels like he’s quiet trolling the schools he’s passed on but was considering
I give them nothing lol… f them, f the refs, f bowden, f all their fast food and janitorial working fans. F em.
Every damn day I am reassured that we got the right guy this time
With social media and how closely recruiting is followed (to the point some track UAA planes), I tend to believe we would’ve heard about a bunch...
Article says he’s getting 2nd round draft grades from scouts… might be a situation where he follows CBN to the SEC to prove himself against the...
Nice! Any scuttlebutt out there about how they went? We obviously know the end results with Bogle and Summerall, but interested to hear how Billy...
He looked like he was pimp slapping those tackling dummies
Hahahaha forgot about Landon… [MEDIA]
that’s wassup